Rabbi Sabine Meyer, Ph.D

Cindy Wood, TRS President

Joyce Leidig, Administrator

Clergy and Leadership

Rabbi Sabine has shared her passion for Judaism and provided guidance for Jewish adults, adolescents, families and children and non-Jewish spiritual seekers for over two decades. Prior to joining Rodef Shalom, she was the spiritual leader of Kol HaNeshamah in Seattle, WA and previously served as the Senior Rabbi at Tree of Life Congregation in Columbia, SC.

Ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles in 2007, Rabbi Sabine launched her rabbinate at the Union for Reform Judaism. During her ten years as Director of the URJ Introduction to Judaism program on the West Coast, she facilitated the Jewish learning of countless spiritual seekers, and guided many students on their journey to conversion. A skillful and knowledgeable teacher, she served as a faculty member of the international Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning from 2013-2019 and taught a variety of courses at Los Angeles synagogues, including Jewish history, Bible, and Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism).

Rabbi Sabine has dedicated her rabbinate to the exploration of sacred texts and the practice of Jewish rituals that connect people to the blessings of Judaism. In her role as spiritual leader, teacher and counselor, Rabbi Sabine seeks to foster meaningful communal relationships and create opportunities for people to find their personal Jewish voice and ways that the Jewish tradition speaks to them and brings meaning to their lives.

Rabbi Sabine is excited to continue Rodef Sholom’s tradition of encouraging everyone to participate and to explore, to ask questions and try out new ideas,and to learn and pray in a vibrant and caring Jewish community.

Cindy has been a member of Temple Rodef Sholom for over 35 years. She has served in several leadership positions for the Sisterhood and on the Board of Directors. Additionally, Cindy served 8 years on the Board of Caritas of Waco, two as the president.

Cindy’s focus is on building leadership, membership and opportunities to bring members together,

She enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, going to the gym and continuing to work in her insurance business.

Joyce began her journey with us on March 13th, 2023. She is retired from Texas Department of Human Services; moved from Brownwood 3 years ago and lives outside McGregor with her son and grandchildren.  She has a lot of bookkeeping and clerical experience and is excited about meeting our Temple members.

Come by the office and meet her when you get a chance